Library Services:
Every District & Sub-Divisional library has a issue cum lending section. In this section readers can borrow two books for 15 days. In the District Library Guwahati and Jorhat RFID(Radio Frequency Identification is installed. All the district library has installed 'Koha' library open source software for library automation.
Internet Services:
In the Directorate of Library Services, Assam Guwahati provide internet services to the registered member with the rate of 10 rupees per hour. In this services they may print, copy or download the matter with a nominal fee. Users are allowed one hour per day for browsing the internet. In the cyber centre 10 dedicated machines are available for users.
Distribution of Books:
Every year Directorate of Library Services, Assam purchased books depending upon the budget allotted by the State Govt. and the Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata under matching scheme (90:10). The entire District and Sub-Divisional library will receive the books . This book are selected by a book selection committee and the Chairman of the committee is Commissioner and Secretary of the Cultural Affairs Department, Govt. of Assam.